本文搞懂Android卡顿检测之FrameTimeline中,对Jank的分类判定逻辑,包括SurfaceFrame jank和 DisplayFrame jank。通过jank分类,可以读懂trace图中的jank信息。
SurfaceFrame Jank
void SurfaceFrame::classifyJankLocked(int32_t displayFrameJankType, const Fps& refreshRate,
nsecs_t& deadlineDelta) {
// 必须要先显示出来才能对Jank进行分类
if (mActuals.presentTime == Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_INVALID) {
// Cannot do any classification for invalid present time.
mJankType = JankType::Unknown;
deadlineDelta = -1;
// 预测信息都过期了,显示实在太晚了,直接归入JankType::AppDeadlineMissed
// 这样的做法有点笼统,但是缺乏预测信息,的确很难分类
if (mPredictionState == PredictionState::Expired) {
// We classify prediction expired as AppDeadlineMissed as the
// TokenManager::kMaxTokens we store is large enough to account for a
// reasonable app, so prediction expire would mean a huge scheduling delay.
mJankType = JankType::AppDeadlineMissed;
deadlineDelta = -1;
// 缺乏Token的Surface还不支持Jank检测
if (mPredictionState == PredictionState::None) {
// Cannot do jank classification on frames that don't have a token.
// 获取应用侧时间的时延
deadlineDelta = mActuals.endTime - mPredictions.endTime;
// 获取显示时间的时延
const nsecs_t presentDelta = mActuals.presentTime - mPredictions.presentTime;
const nsecs_t deltaToVsync = refreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() > 0
? std::abs(presentDelta) % refreshRate.getPeriodNsecs()
: 0;
if (deadlineDelta > mJankClassificationThresholds.deadlineThreshold) {
// 很容易理解,如果应用侧时延过长,认为是未及时完成绘制,即:FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish
// 参考前一篇文章的workduration/readyduration的定义,ready表示GPU渲染已经完成
mFrameReadyMetadata = FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish;
} else {
// 很好,应用侧按时完成了任务
mFrameReadyMetadata = FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish;
if (std::abs(presentDelta) > mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold) {
// 如果显示时延过长,表示延后显示,即:FramePresentMetadata::LatePresent
// 如果实际显示时间比预测的时间早,表示提前显示,即:FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent
// FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent 是极少发生的,几乎不会发生
mFramePresentMetadata = presentDelta > 0 ? FramePresentMetadata::LatePresent
: FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent;
} else {
// 不延后,表示显示时机刚刚好,用户感受不到掉帧,大多数时候是这样的
mFramePresentMetadata = FramePresentMetadata::OnTimePresent;
// 为什么一般都是FramePresentMetadata::OnTimePresent?
// 因为显示器总是在VSYNC显示一帧图像,而Surface合成并送显之后,会等到下一个VSYNC显示出来
// 如果一个VSYNC没有显示出来,则会是FramePresentMetadata::LatePresent,而不会是FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent
if (mFramePresentMetadata == FramePresentMetadata::OnTimePresent) {
// Frames presented on time are not janky.
// 很好,没有Jank
mJankType = JankType::None;
} else if (mFramePresentMetadata == FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent) {
// 不大可能发生,除非发生了错误,比如预测错误、VSYNC错误
// 实际中,我遇到过VSYNC错误,就是一个VSYNC突然不遵循8ms/16ms周期,而是一个很小的周期,下一帧又恢复正常
// 预测错误未遇到过
if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish) {
// Finish on time, Present early
if (deltaToVsync < mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold ||
deltaToVsync >= refreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() -
mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold) {
// Delta factor of vsync
mJankType = JankType::SurfaceFlingerScheduling;
} else {
// Delta not a factor of vsync
mJankType = JankType::PredictionError;
} else if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish) {
// Finish late, Present early
mJankType = JankType::Unknown;
} else {
// 发生了Jank,看看有什么可以纠正的地方?
if (mLastLatchTime != 0 && mPredictions.endTime <= mLastLatchTime) {
// Buffer Stuffing.
// 如果预测的时间比上阀门的时间还要早(所谓上阀门,就是说取Buffer的时间)
// 说明,这一帧之前还有一帧有待显示,本帧不着急,很可能是Buffer没有申请到而延后
// 这种做法有武断之处:的确有这种可能,但不一定全是Buffer Stuffing
mJankType |= JankType::BufferStuffing;
// In a stuffed state, the frame could be stuck on a dequeue wait for quite some time.
// Because of this dequeue wait, it can be hard to tell if a frame was genuinely late.
// We try to do this by moving the deadline. Since the queue could be stuffed by more
// than one buffer, we take the last latch time as reference and give one vsync
// worth of time for the frame to be ready.
// 怎么办呢?延后一个VSYNC周期呗
nsecs_t adjustedDeadline = mLastLatchTime + refreshRate.getPeriodNsecs();
if (adjustedDeadline > mActuals.endTime) {
// 延后一个VSYNC被显示了,说明的确合理,改成FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish
// 也就是说,这种情况下,应用侧可以晚一个VSYNC周期ready
mFrameReadyMetadata = FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish;
} else {
mFrameReadyMetadata = FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish;
// 虽然显示延后了,但是应用侧是可能按时ready的,也有可能是被上面代码纠正为FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish的
if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish) {
// Finish on time, Present late
// 不管怎样,如果的确是FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish了
if (displayFrameJankType != JankType::None) {
// Propagate displayFrame's jank if it exists
// 使用DisplayFrame的Jank类型填充SurfaceFrame Jank类型,如果有的话
mJankType |= displayFrameJankType;
} else {
// 如果没有知道DisplayFrame的Jank类型
if (!(mJankType & JankType::BufferStuffing)) {
// In a stuffed state, if the app finishes on time and there is no display frame
// jank, only buffer stuffing is the root cause of the jank.
// 且:SurfaceFrame Jank类型 不与Buffer相关
if (deltaToVsync < mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold ||
deltaToVsync >= refreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() -
mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold) {
// Delta factor of vsync
// 发生错误了:1. VSYNC周期出错
mJankType |= JankType::SurfaceFlingerScheduling;
} else {
// Delta not a factor of vsync
// 发生错误了:2. 预测错误了
mJankType |= JankType::PredictionError;
} else if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish) {
// 不用考虑了,纠正不过来,你就是应用侧时延太长了,判定为JankType::AppDeadlineMissed
// Finish late, Present late
mJankType |= JankType::AppDeadlineMissed;
// Propagate DisplayFrame's jankType if it is janky
mJankType |= displayFrameJankType;
DisplayFrame Jank
void FrameTimeline::DisplayFrame::classifyJank(nsecs_t& deadlineDelta, nsecs_t& deltaToVsync,
nsecs_t previousPresentTime) {
// 必须是有预测有显示
if (mPredictionState == PredictionState::Expired ||
mSurfaceFlingerActuals.presentTime == Fence::SIGNAL_TIME_INVALID) {
// Cannot do jank classification with expired predictions or invalid signal times. Set the
// deltas to 0 as both negative and positive deltas are used as real values.
mJankType = JankType::Unknown;
deadlineDelta = 0;
deltaToVsync = 0;
// 计算显示时延
// Delta between the expected present and the actual present
const nsecs_t presentDelta =
mSurfaceFlingerActuals.presentTime - mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.presentTime;
// Sf actual end time represents the CPU end time. In case of HWC, SF's end time would have
// included the time for composition. However, for GPU composition, the final end time is max(sf
// end time, gpu fence time).
// 设定合成时间,优先使用GPU的时间,如果没有,则使用commit的时间
nsecs_t combinedEndTime = mSurfaceFlingerActuals.endTime;
if (mGpuFence != FenceTime::NO_FENCE) {
combinedEndTime = std::max(combinedEndTime, mGpuFence->getSignalTime());
// 计算合成时延
deadlineDelta = combinedEndTime - mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.endTime;
// How far off was the presentDelta when compared to the vsyncPeriod. Used in checking if there
// was a prediction error or not.
deltaToVsync = mRefreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() > 0
? std::abs(presentDelta) % mRefreshRate.getPeriodNsecs()
: 0;
if (std::abs(presentDelta) > mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold) {
// 显示延后或者提前
mFramePresentMetadata = presentDelta > 0 ? FramePresentMetadata::LatePresent
: FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent;
} else {
// 及时显示
mFramePresentMetadata = FramePresentMetadata::OnTimePresent;
if (combinedEndTime > mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.endTime) {
// sf侧没有work,只有ready,所以,没有按时合成,就是没有按时ready,判定为FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish
mFrameReadyMetadata = FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish;
} else {
mFrameReadyMetadata = FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish;
if (std::abs(mSurfaceFlingerActuals.startTime - mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.startTime) >
mJankClassificationThresholds.startThreshold) {
// 如果sf侧开始太晚,多半是由于sf忙于其它时间,或者CPU繁忙,调度不过来,会发生这样的事情
mFrameStartMetadata =
mSurfaceFlingerActuals.startTime > mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.startTime
? FrameStartMetadata::LateStart
: FrameStartMetadata::EarlyStart;
// 如果没有及时显示,说明发生Jank了
if (mFramePresentMetadata != FramePresentMetadata::OnTimePresent) {
// Do jank classification only if present is not on time
if (mFramePresentMetadata == FramePresentMetadata::EarlyPresent) {
if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish) {
// Finish on time, Present early
if (deltaToVsync < mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold ||
deltaToVsync >= (mRefreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() -
mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold)) {
// Delta is a factor of vsync if its within the presentTheshold on either side
// of the vsyncPeriod. Example: 0-2ms and 9-11ms are both within the threshold
// of the vsyncPeriod if the threshold was 2ms and the vsyncPeriod was 11ms.
mJankType = JankType::SurfaceFlingerScheduling;
} else {
// Delta is not a factor of vsync,
mJankType = JankType::PredictionError;
} else if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish) {
// Finish late, Present early
mJankType = JankType::SurfaceFlingerScheduling;
} else {
// Finish time unknown
mJankType = JankType::Unknown;
} else if (mFramePresentMetadata == FramePresentMetadata::LatePresent) {
// 重点:延后显示了
if (std::abs(mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.presentTime - previousPresentTime) <=
mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold ||
previousPresentTime > mSurfaceFlingerPredictions.presentTime) {
// The previous frame was either presented in the current frame's expected vsync or
// it was presented even later than the current frame's expected vsync.
// 这个有了前面的基础,很容易理解了,当前帧预测显示的时间比上一帧显示还要早,说明上一帧显示太晚了,归入Buffer问题
mJankType = JankType::SurfaceFlingerStuffing;
if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::OnTimeFinish &&
!(mJankType & JankType::SurfaceFlingerStuffing)) {
// Finish on time, Present late
// 如果按时ready了,但还是显示晚了
if (deltaToVsync < mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold ||
deltaToVsync >= (mRefreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() -
mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold)) {
// Delta is a factor of vsync if its within the presentTheshold on either side
// of the vsyncPeriod. Example: 0-2ms and 9-11ms are both within the threshold
// of the vsyncPeriod if the threshold was 2ms and the vsyncPeriod was 11ms.
// 说明是显示屏的问题,也就是HAL接口的问题,或者是屏幕驱动的问题
mJankType = JankType::DisplayHAL;
} else {
// Delta is not a factor of vsync
// 如果不是显示屏的问题,只能是预测错了,哈哈,纯粹排除法
mJankType = JankType::PredictionError;
} else if (mFrameReadyMetadata == FrameReadyMetadata::LateFinish) {
// sf侧ready晚了,什么原因呢?
if (!(mJankType & JankType::SurfaceFlingerStuffing) ||
mSurfaceFlingerActuals.presentTime - previousPresentTime >
mRefreshRate.getPeriodNsecs() +
mJankClassificationThresholds.presentThreshold) {
// Classify CPU vs GPU if SF wasn't stuffed or if SF was stuffed but this frame
// was presented more than a vsync late.
// 如果不是Buffer问题,就只能是GPU或者CPU的问题了,排除法嘛(哈哈),反正我不考虑IO、Lock等等那些东西
if (mGpuFence != FenceTime::NO_FENCE &&
mSurfaceFlingerActuals.endTime - mSurfaceFlingerActuals.startTime <
mRefreshRate.getPeriodNsecs()) {
// If SF was in GPU composition and the CPU work finished before the vsync
// period, classify it as GPU deadline missed.
// GPU Fence来晚了,GPU性能不行,导致sf合成延时了
mJankType = JankType::SurfaceFlingerGpuDeadlineMissed;
} else {
// 只能是CPU问题了,还想赖谁!
mJankType = JankType::SurfaceFlingerCpuDeadlineMissed;
} else {
// Finish time unknown
mJankType = JankType::Unknown;
} else {
// Present unknown
mJankType = JankType::Unknown;
sf侧延后的原因莫非:1. GPU 2. CPU。
全写在上文的中文备注,有错烦请call me。